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What Good Leadership During Organisational Change Looks Like

If you've spent time in business, you know that organisational change is inevitable. Whether it happens because the company's leadership has developed a new vision or changes in the market cause a need for innovation, scaling, or even downsizing, organisational change can be uncomfortable and challenging to navigate. 

They often require adjustments to the organisational structure, processes, and personnel, leading to uncertainty and resistance among team members. The challenge lies in effectively leading and managing this change to ensure that your organisation continues growing without causing employees to feel demoralised.

The key to leading a team during significant organisational change is transparent communication. It is critical to be open with direct reports about the changes, clearly explaining their reasons, potential impact, and what they mean for the team. Engaging team members early in the process allows them to have input in defining the necessary changes, fostering ownership and commitment. 

Of course, information must be strategically presented to maintain productivity. A solid, straightforward approach is to start with the vision or customer needs. Using logic by explaining 'the why' and linking it to the vision and customer needs can help overcome resistance. A robust training and development plan also ensures that people feel growth for new responsibilities and roles. 

You will likely need to be more task-oriented when delegating during the implementation of changes but remember to be supportive when working with employees during the rollout.

Focusing on these aspects will maximise your chances of a smooth transition with minimal disruption. A team that feels valued, supported, and motivated through the change process will likely be engaged from the beginning. Developing a growth culture enhances organisational flexibility and equips your workforce with the skills and mindset needed to accept changes. This approach also increases the chances of maintaining morale and trust, as transparency is valued.

What are your next steps?

Take time to develop a communication plan to keep everyone informed. Consider implementing a forum for sharing feedback and a recognition program that rewards contributions and early adopters facilitating the change process. Standard change management practices apply, and you can find tools and frameworks to help you be a force for change and develop a growth culture in our previous blogs.

Next, invite your team to have open discussions or brainstorming sessions about the upcoming changes. Providing a clear rationale and inviting feedback is essential. Discussing how the changes will impact the organisation and different roles will help identify where more support and training are needed.

Finally, if you're facing a difficult organisational change where you cannot involve your people upfront because you must reduce the organisation's size or lay off people, remember that help is available. 

Don't hesitate to book a coaching call if you find managing the process difficult. Change is a constant in any organisation, and how we manage it determines our success.

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